Privacy Policy

Who we are

The website address is:


When visitors post comments, we collect data from the form, the visitor’s IP address, and browser details to help fight spam. An anonymized email hash may be sent to Gravatar to check if you use it. Their privacy policy is here: Your profile picture will be displayed with your comment after approval.


When uploading images, avoid including location data (EXIF GPS) as others can extract location details from them.


When commenting, you may save your name, email, and website in cookies for future use. These cookies last for one year. If you visit our login page, we set a temporary cookie to check if your browser accepts cookies, which is deleted when the browser closes. When logging in, we use cookies to save your login info and display preferences. Login cookies last two days, and screen preference cookies last a year. Selecting “Remember Me” keeps you logged in for two weeks. When you log out, login cookies are removed. Editing or publishing articles sets a cookie that expires after a day.

Embedded content

Articles may include embedded content from external sites, which may collect data and track interactions.

Who we share data with

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be part of the reset email.

Data retention

Comments and metadata are stored indefinitely. User data can be edited or deleted at any time, but usernames cannot be changed. Admins can also access and edit user information.

Your rights

If you have left comments or created an account, you can request an export of your data or request its deletion, except data kept for legal reasons.

Data destinations

Visitor comments may be checked by a spam detection service.

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